A key topic of ongoing concern to parents is how to combat cyberbullying. A Nationwide Study of Bullying in Irish schools indicates that 1 in 6 Secondary School students have been bullied at some time. Based on feedback from our November PA seminar on bullying the Parents Association are putting on an evening seminar for parents specifically on Cyberbullying on Tuesday 8th, April @ 7:30 pm sharp in the school.
We are very pleased to have Garda Brigid Hartnett speaking on the night.
Some of the topics which will be covered on the night include:
Cyberbullying – What is it ?Keeping them Safe Online
What parents must do to stay connected with their child Privacy Issues & How to protect your child 10 Simple Internet Fixes for Parents What to do if your child is being Cyberbullied Useful Websites & Resources Top Tips on handling Cyberbullying Interactive Q & A
The objective of this meeting is to educate us as parents in relation to the issues surrounding cyberbullying and to inform us as to the practical steps we can take to help to deal with the issue. We would urge all interested parents to attend.
The meeting will begin at 7.30pm sharp but doors will open at 7:10pm and we would urge you to come early as places may have to be limited.
Parents Association