Social Media – Challenges for Parents – a talk by Dr. Sinéad Devine of UCC Dept. of Psychology and MGMS Training Ltd.
Talk for Parents 25th November, 2015 @ 7.30 pm @ The Maritime Hotel – entry €8 per person
Topics to be covered on the night will include:
- The positive and negative aspects of Social Networking Sites
- Chatting online & understanding the lingo
- Cyber-bullying – why it happens, how to spot it and what to do
- Mobile Phone Safety -chain messages & sexting
- Practical advice/tips on how to protect children when on-line or on their mobile phone
- Additional internet safety resources that may be utilised in the home
This will be followed by Student Talks on Internet Safety which will be held in December at the school covering similar topics & more! All students will get the chance to participate in these talks.
Organised by the Parents’ Association