Apprenticeship Roadshow coming to CPB next Week!

What do Cybersecurity, Carpentry, Logistics, Plumbers & Accountancy Technician’s have in common?” Answer all are careers which can be achieved through an Apprenticeship programme. Earn while you learn. Come and find out, talk to the Employers and experts involved. Thursday 13th October 7 to 9pm, Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai. This event is facilitated by the Parents…

SPHE/RSE Webinar for Parents on Wednesday.

Dear Parents, #WednesdayWebinar Sept 28th @ 19:00 It is very important that ALL parents make their views known by participating in the consultation survey on the future curriculum being taught to your children on SPHE / RSE. Click here to have your say -> SPHE/RSE Curriculum SURVEYDue to demand we are re-hosting our Relationships & Sexuality curriculum consultation webinar with the NCCA’s Annette Honan who will…

Free Study skills Online Webinar for Students and Parents starting tonight.

A Study Skills workshop will take place online tonight for students and their parents. This webinar is No 1 of a Series of 3 This short series of webinars will encourage students, with the support of their parents, to develop positive learning and study habits. Content Explored: – Enhancing the learning environment – Organisational Skills…

Useful Resources for Promoting Good Mental Health in Your Teenager

 Promoting Good Mental Health in Your Teenager – Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí – Tuesday 22nd November 2016 – an event organised by The Parents’ Association Useful Resources : HSE website: SAMARITANS SMS text message to 087 260 90 90 Phone: 1850 609 090 GROW Infoline : 1890 474 474 AWARE Helpline:Phone: 1890 303302…

Letter to Parents from PA requesting Subscriptions

To: All Parents, Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí From: Parents’ Association Dear Parents, We are delighted to advise you that the new committee of Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí Parents’ Association (PA) is now in place following the Annual General Meeting on 18th October, 2016.   Please see the school website at: The Parents’ Association was established in 2013…