Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí makes history by qualifying for the All-Ireland Final of the Irish Maths Teacher’s Association Pi Quiz for the first time.

We are delighted to report that Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí has achieved a remarkable feat by qualifying for the All-Ireland Final of the Irish Maths Teacher’s Association Pi Quiz for the first time ever. The event, which was held on Saturday last at The Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise, was a testament to the exceptional talent and…

Apprenticeship Roadshow coming to CPB next Week!

What do Cybersecurity, Carpentry, Logistics, Plumbers & Accountancy Technician’s have in common?” Answer all are careers which can be achieved through an Apprenticeship programme. Earn while you learn. Come and find out, talk to the Employers and experts involved. Thursday 13th October 7 to 9pm, Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai. This event is facilitated by the Parents…