To mark the U.N. designated International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21st, a number of events took place in C.P.B.
T.Y. Young Social Innovators put together an exhibition celebrating multiculturalism in the school. There are students from 20 different nationalities attending C.P.B. at present. An exhibition celebrating aspects of each of these nations is now on display in the school reception area. This exhibition was launched on Tuesday 14th March. First year students and their teachers were invited to view the work of the T.Y. students and were treated to various food samples. Many thanks to the Brick Oven for sponsoring pizzas for the students on the Italian stand to hand out and also to T.Y. student Aryn Viray who brought in lots of treats which are popular in The Phillipines.
In conjunction with this celebration of multiculturalism the school was visited on the same day by 3 members of an organisation called – Sport Against Racism Ireland. They delivered 2 workshops to 1st and 2nd years who really enjoyed the experience.