Be a Reading Summer Star at Cork County Library!
If you are looking for something fun and free to do this summer then your local library is the place for you! The Summer Stars reading programme is running in public libraries throughout the country this summer. Summer Stars is a free programme, open to all children. The fun begins at the end of June at your local library.
Each child who registers for the programme at their local library joins in the fun of reading lots of exciting books during the summer. Children will receive their own Summer Stars Reading Card to record their progress and the Summer Stars Reward Stamp will be added to their card at the library for each book read. Here at Cork County Library, we are inviting every child to explore the wonderful world of reading at any of our 28 branch libraries and to become a Reading Summerstar! And since January 2016 library membership is FREE FOR EVERYONE so come and join the summer fun!
The Summer Stars webpages at include lots of great activities, games, Talking Ebooks, stories, reading tips, book suggestions by age group and humorous interviews with children’s authors and other celebrities.
Check out your local library or for information on local activities and events.
Follow Summers Stars on Twitter @StarsReading. Find us on Facebook, Summer Stars at your Library. Cork County Library is on and