On Monday Mr Curran’s Transition Year Geography class took part in a Sustainability Workshop facilitated by Susan O’ Reilly of Young Social Innovators. During the workshop the class researched how Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí is, and can be more sustainable and how we can develop a strategy to reach World Sustainable Development Goals mapped out in 17 areas. The class will now begin a project to aim towards these goals in our school and will apply to receive certification from Worldwise schools by completing a communication plan around the SDGs for the school community targeting parents, management, students and teachers.
Part of the plan will highlight how the school has sustainable practices already in place (the use of LEDs in school show productions, and solar panels on the roof SDG 7, putting up rugby goalposts cutting out the need to travel to every rugby game SG 11, or water bottles for sports and donating sports gear- SDG12).
We would like to thank Ms Susan O’ Reilly for delivering a fantastic workshop.