Arising from the new Department of Education Anti-bullying Procedures for Post-Primary Schools issued by the Department in September 2013, the Board of Management (BOM) of Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí has proposed a revised draft Anti Bullying Policy for the School. The BOM has requested that parents/guardians of students at the school should be consulted on the draft revised policy via the Parents Association.
Parents/Guardians are asked to review the CPB Anti-Bullying Policy draft1 (click link) noting that the text within the outlined boxes are the specific sections which CPB proposes to add to the standard anti bullying policy statements issued by the Department.
Parents/Guardians are asked to provide your feedback and input by email to the Parents Assocation on ideally by Thursday Dec 5th, as this topic will be discussed at the scheduled PA Committee Meeting that evening.
Parents Association